First of all, let’s get things straight. I absolutely love xarray.
Now that being said, I’ve had my fair share of late nights pulling out my hair in sheer frustration over things such as MultiIndex, data manipulations, adding new features/dims/coordinates - you name it! And it is my experience that I am not alone in this situation.

Therefore, I decided to create this post to show some examples of some of the most efficient methods I’ve found to overcome some of these problems, which I feel is currently lacking in the documentation of xarray.

Let’s get to it!

  1. Introduction
  2. Data Reading and Writing


To make this walkthrough as concrete as possible - I have decided to include a specific dataset that you might use while following along. Of course you are welcome to use your own, but obviously variable names, projection parameters, etc.- might be different.

I generally recommend using NetCDF as much as possible, but using grib format is also possible with cfgrib by setting xarray.open_dataarray(filename_or_obj='examle.grib', engine='cfgrib').

Data Reading and Writing

import xarray as xr

# Read NetCDF dataset 
data = xr.open_dataset('')