I am currently studying my PhD in Machine Learning at Aarhus University, Denmark, where I apply Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Weather Forecasting and the Atmospheric Sciences.

My current research involves Deep Learning for Multi-Layer Cloud Nowcasting using Satellite Images. You can read more about this at Cloud Nowcasting Paper, which I recently presented orally at the 19th Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Science at the 100th American Meteorological Society - Annual Meeting in Boston, MA. January 12-16, 2020.

I am collaborating with a leading European renewable energy trading company in Denmark called Danske Commodities, where weather forecasting is a significant part of their daily operations.

On a personal level I enjoy playing music (piano and guitar) and video games, as well as attending the occassional Kaggle or Data Science competition. For the (numer.ai)[https://numer.ai/] Hedge Fund Data Science challenge, for example, I have accumulated around $4,500 USD to date.